Here's the Naked Truth:
The Southern Resident killer whales (J, K, and L pods) are an iconic group of orcas that frequent the waters of the coastal Northwest-- but they don't have much time left.
With only 75 whales remaining in this unique group, they've been listed as critically endangered, and without adequate research and conservation efforts they will likely face extinction. Therefore, Naked Whale Research (NaWhaRe) encourages individuals and marine researchers alike to actively take part in helping create public awareness concerning threats to the long-term survival of these magnificent creatures.

Our Focus
In addition to helping fill in valuable data gaps for Federal species recovery plans, our work has helped to inspire youth groups in conservation science and engaged young and old alike with hands-on backyard stewardship by introducing inland mountain students to the wonders of the ocean ecosystem and marine science.
We have engaged thousands of residents and tourists visiting the coastal communities of Northern California from the Oregon-California border to San Francisco Bay via social media and community outreach presentations as well as creating an ocean observer sighting network and hands on Citizen Science projects.